What does MDP do?

Measures the profitability of any defined object (customer, product, geography, customer order, account etc.) in a given enterprise or business.


How does MDP work?

It combines operational, commercial and financial data, and based on user defined allocation principles, creates a consistent set of detailed data for analysis of the enterprise profitability and performance.


What is the MDP application? 

It is a highly sophisticated business intelligence analytical software that helps to get insight into enterprise profitability. It is a customized database, generated based on enterprise transactional data processed along allocation principles. It includes very powerful GUI that makes it easy for the users to define – business specific – allocation methods.


What are the main benefits of implementing MDP?

  • Existing data assets are leveraged for gaining competitive advantage
  • One version of the truth – profitability insight that is fully consistent and aligned to overall financial reporting
  • Generated insights contain operational, commercial and financial data combined. Results are fully "actionable" for decision makers and managers


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BI4R Poland Sp. z o.o. 
Nowoczesna 1/14, 02-835 Warsaw, Poland



Email: info@bi4real.com

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